Thursday, May 8, 2008

Top 3 Music Artists

# 1 Metallica

# 2 Megadeth

# 3 Symphony X

The top 3 metal artists of all time are incredibly hard to justify but here goes nothing. Metallica and Megadeth are both arguably the founders of Metal and both have around the same amount of fans AND both bands fans will say that theirs is the founder. Metallica kicked Megadeth's frontman Dave Mustaine out of Metallica really early on and Dave went out on his own and made Megadeth. Both bands are INCREDIBLY famous

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Angels and demons poetic relation?

Angels and Demons

A constant battle going on in my head.
Internal conflict where plenty gets said.
Fighting to dominate, good against bad.
Feeling happy against feeling sad.
A battle field where I sit on my own.
Surrounded by Angels and Demons who roam.
Seeking to conquer the war of who's right.
The Angels sing out, the Demons they bite.
There I sit somewhere in between.
Irresponsible victim it would seem.

the ongoing internal conflict thing accurately depicts exactly how I felt after reading angels and demons. The question in your head where you constantly ask yourself what is real, and what is thrown in by the Author, or what