Thursday, May 8, 2008

Top 3 Music Artists

# 1 Metallica

# 2 Megadeth

# 3 Symphony X

The top 3 metal artists of all time are incredibly hard to justify but here goes nothing. Metallica and Megadeth are both arguably the founders of Metal and both have around the same amount of fans AND both bands fans will say that theirs is the founder. Metallica kicked Megadeth's frontman Dave Mustaine out of Metallica really early on and Dave went out on his own and made Megadeth. Both bands are INCREDIBLY famous

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Angels and demons poetic relation?

Angels and Demons

A constant battle going on in my head.
Internal conflict where plenty gets said.
Fighting to dominate, good against bad.
Feeling happy against feeling sad.
A battle field where I sit on my own.
Surrounded by Angels and Demons who roam.
Seeking to conquer the war of who's right.
The Angels sing out, the Demons they bite.
There I sit somewhere in between.
Irresponsible victim it would seem.

the ongoing internal conflict thing accurately depicts exactly how I felt after reading angels and demons. The question in your head where you constantly ask yourself what is real, and what is thrown in by the Author, or what

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Ignorance is bliss?

This topic is very similar to the perils of indifference. Like I said in my previous blog the perils of indifference, humans, at least in my eyes, show that they dont care about human suffering, they dont care about pollution, they don't care about the environment. But when one of those problems hits close to home people sure seem to be aware of the problem then, they do all they can to put it to an end and get their life back into their normal schedule. As for the question once you become aware of certain problems in society, I think its a choice thing, if you choose to help great job, way to make society a better place to live, if you choose not to help be the solution... please dont choose to be the problem.

Angels and demons

Robert receives a note from the pope after all is over.

"Mr Langdon and Ms Vetra,"

"Although it is my profound desire to request your discretion in the matters of the past 24 hours, I cannot possibly presume to ask more of you then already given. I therefor humbly retreat hoping only that you let your hearts guide you in this matter. The world seems a better place today...maybe the questions are more powerful than the answers.
My door is always open,
His Holiness, Saverio Mortati."

I think, in order for the church to grow and gain more faithful members, the church needs to firstly come clean about all the scandals and cover-ups so people can once again begin to trust the church, not talk about the hypocritical slander that is constantly going on within churches

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Flaws do create beuty

I think that in order to be truly beautiful a flaw must be attached. But sometimes that flaw is so bad that it turns away most of the people. Also without that certain flaw nobody would be unique and the standards would always be set at a perfectness that would be over time, so incredibly dull it hurts to think about.

Friday, April 4, 2008

What to blog about?

Just what to blog about? If we are blogging on previously read stories or novels I would really prefer if they would be action packed, or a constant thinker. Something that keeps you busy while reading and prevents you from putting the book down for too long. As for other topics that are not on pieces of literature I like topics which make you about everything, Like in Angels and Demons. I'm have severe troubles putting that book down, and when I finally do I'm constantly thinking about it.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Review for Sony 6gb mp3 player, + music program

To start off todays rant, The Sony NW-A1000 Aura MP3 player is a fantastic device, much cheaper than macintosh's over popular ipod. The sound quality is amazing, pure and simple. The battery life is exceptional, lasting the better part of a day if turned on and left on, Also when re-charging the lifeless battery, in under one hour its fully charged and ready to be turned on. The features is offers is also great, you can alter the sound setting's so that it makes the music sound much better than that of the Ipods.

Now for the Negative part;
The program used to put music on the NW-A1000 (Connect player) is a complete JOKE, there are no instructions on how to move and copy music onto the player. The program itself has lots of glitches a minor errors in its functionality and freezes often, forcing you to Ctrl+ Alt+ Delete to close the program and having to re open it and attempt once again to copy your music.

This is the area to which Ipod beats the NW-A1000.