Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Once you have become awareof a certain problem in society, are you morally responsible for now dealing with that issue?

Once you have become aware of a certain problem in society, are you morally responsible for now dealing with that issue?

No, I don't think that you should be morally responsible (but you should try and help out) for dealing with that issue, unless that issue is something that effects everyone, and in that case everyone should be involved in some way to solve the issue. I find that people don't really seem to care, unless whatever the issue may be effects them, only then will the issue be faced and only by those who have been or are being effected by the issue at hand.

A couple weeks back I had forgotten my key and was locked out of the house for a couple of hours one day after school. Anyway I was incredibly bored so I decided to help out, and pick up all the garbage along my street and area. During my time picking up trash approximately 50-60 cars drove by me on my street. Not a single person honked, no one waved nobody even unrolled there window and said a thing to me (not like I had expected them to anyway, but it would have been nice). Anyway the next day more trash was out on near the street I live on so I ask myself now honestly... does anyone care about the environment? or do they only care about the environment visible from there own living areas.

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